
COMM-120 信息 Gathering and Distribution (3 credits)
介绍从主要和次要来源收集信息的概念,包括(但不限于)图书馆资源, 档案信息, 互联网资源, 公共记录, 和访谈. Also includes 方法 of presenting gathered information in writing, 包括新闻媒体, 研究论文, 为音频写作, video, 以及口头陈述.
COMM-130 介绍 to 沟通 (3 credits)
介绍 to the fundamental questions, 方法, 以及定义广告传播学科和专业的理论, 新闻, 公共关系, 多媒体制作, and 组织 communication.
COMM-210 Professional Speaking (3 credits)
This course focuses on a variety of presentations
通讯- 211广告 & 推广策略(3学分)
着重于实践和创造性的技能,必要的广告专业人士. Students learn broad fundamentals of advertising, 包括品牌定位, 文案和媒体投放. An introduction to marketing 研究 is included, 让学生学习如何在定性和定量研究的基础上制作销售广告. 我们将讨论广告如何融入到整体的整合传播计划中. Prerequisite: COMM 130 or permission of instructor.
COMM-221 Media Writing (3 credits)
培养基本的写作和研究技能,以创造有说服力的印刷工具, 广播, 以及网络媒体. 特别注重通过适当使用美联社风格来发展简明清晰写作机制的能力. Prerequisite: 沟通 130 or permission of instructor.
COMM-240 Live Events (3 credits)
From running the camera to producing from the truck, 本课程教授学生参与现场直播的必要技能, 并提供实践的机会,将这些技能应用到现实世界的设置. 秋天.
COMM-251 Principles of Multimedia (3 credits)
介绍网站开发、视频制作和Photoshop的基本概念. Prerequisite: COMM 130 or permission of instructor.
COMM-312 Media Design and Layout (3 credits)
Emphasize on creative strategies, 创意, 消息的创建, 设计, and computer-assisted layouts in various media contexts.
COMM-314 Integrated 沟通 Campaigns (3 credits)
Details the establishment of communication strategies, and the execution and evaluation of outcomes using 研究-based goals. 学生为现实世界的客户创建并执行一个整合的传播活动. 课程为学生提供了一个整合之前学习和解决问题的机会,以制定一个结合传统和新媒体平台的综合活动计划. 前提条件:COMM 211.
COMM-325 Sports Promotion (3 credits)
This course covers relationship management within the sports industry, including sponsorship (endorsement and licensing). Students will gain skills in 研究 and market segmentation, 营销组合考虑, 门票销售和特别活动. Prerequisites: COMM 130, 221 and 231.
COMM-332 Advanced Writing and Editing (3 credits)
In-depth instruction and critiques of student-created work for clients. 各种形式的新闻采集, 研究, 报告, and interviewing will occur to write, edit and publish feature articles and create, 编辑和制作播客. Prerequisites: COMM-120 and COMM-221
COMM-333 新闻 Copyediting (3 credits)
概述 of the skills and uses of editing. 强调印刷和在线出版物的编辑和标题写作技巧的实践. Skills developed include tightening writing, 加强领导, 标题的写作, 标题的写作, 以及布局的基本知识. 前提条件:COMM 231.
COMM-335 Sports Writing (3 credits)
这门写作密集型课程帮助学生通过各种故事形式获得体育新闻技能, 包括报纸, 杂志和社交媒体. 学生将探索具有社会意义的人文故事,并了解体育在社会中的作用. Prerequisites: COMM 130, 221, and 231.
COMM-340 Sound Reinforcement and Recording for Li (3 credits)
专注于设备和策略,用于优化空间内的声音和通过现场事件的记录, including (but not exclusive to) music and theatre performances, 演辞及简报, and corporate conferences and events. Pre-req: COMM 240: Live Events, or permission of instructor
COMM-345 Video Production (3 credits)
本课程的重点将放在理解视频制作的关键原则和特征-从概念到最终编辑. 前提条件:COMM 251. 秋天.
COMM-355 Multimedia Sound (3 credits)
重点介绍了视频混音与设计的设备和要求, 包括现场录音, 后期制作混合, and the identification and creation of needed Foley, 声音效果, and musical elements to create a professional video presentation.先决条件COMM 251.
COMM-380 Intercultural 沟通 (3 credits)
研究来自不同文化或亚文化的个体的交流过程. 探讨跨文化交际中误解的可能来源.g., 时间/空间因素, linguistic and nonverbal factors, 种族优越感的沟通, 从事个人或专业跨文化接触的人员的沟通问题).
COMM-381 Relationship Management (3 credits)
对一对一关系中选定变量的研究和理论进行批判性考察. 探索发展, 维护, and deterioration stages of professional and personal relationships. Prerequisite: COMM 130 or permission of instructor.
COMM-382 Team Building and Group 沟通 (3 credits)
理论基础和实践技能,检查和应用沟通原则的团体. Surveys concepts such as cohesiveness, 领导, 群体思维, 异常, 网络, 选择的转变, and brainstorming as they relate to communication. Prerequisite: COMM 130 or permission of instructor.
COMM-383 Conflict Management (3 credits)
Examination of the factors that lead to conflicts, 以及运用沟通策略解决冲突的理论与实践. Prerequisite: COMM 130 or permission of instructor.
COMM-390 Practicum (1-3 credits)
在学生媒体或其他大学信息渠道有实践经验. 可以重复 for up to three hours credit. No more than six hours total credit given for COMM 390 and 395 combined.
COMM-391 Professional Development (1 credit)
在学生媒体或其他大学信息渠道有实践经验. 可以重复 for up to three hours credit. No more than six hours total credit given for COMM 390 and 395 combined.
COMM-395 Internship (1-3 credits)
在校外大众传播相关组织有实践经验. 应用程序要求. 可以重复 for up to three hours credit. Prerequisites: one course from COMM 211, 221, 231, 251, 341; GPA of 2.50 or better; 36 hours of completed academic credit.
COMM-410 健康传播 (3 credits)
让学生有机会学习如何在不同的环境下进行沟通(人际交往), 组织, 介导的, 等.)可以有效地用于促进身体、精神和社会福祉. Contexts include provider-patient communication, communication in healthcare organizations, risk communication and new media technologies related to health communication.
COMM-483 Media Theory and Research (3 credits)
介绍 to theory and 研究 in the field of mass media. 研究大众传媒在现代社会中的作用,以及传媒机构和信息对个人的影响, 社区, 和社会. Includes an overview of basic 研究 方法 associated with media 研究. 学生将理论知识整合到与当今传播专业人员相关的媒体研究领域. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.
COMM-485 Media Law and Ethics (3 credits)
考察美国公共传播的权利、责任和限制. 强调不同的伦理建构和第一修正案理论的影响和相互作用,以及对大众媒体的约束来源. Covers regulatory policies affecting advertising, 公共关系, 新闻, and present and future electronic mass mediums. Also examines legal areas of libel, 隐私, 淫秽, access to and ownership of information, 媒体机构. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.
COMM-488 World Media Systems (3 credits)
本课程的重点将是帮助学生识别和理解定义和影响世界各地媒体系统的关键因素. These will include specific philosophies of media systems, the state's relationship with media, 媒体的资金来源是什么, 媒体的可及性, and the influence of culture on media audiences. 将特别关注媒体全球化的进程以及媒体进出口如何影响各种媒体系统. 学生将有机会通过比较分析来分析特定的媒体系统,使他们不仅对世界各地的各种媒体系统有更广泛的了解, 还要对影响美国媒体系统发展的因素有更深刻的认识.
COMM-490 Special Topics in 沟通 (3 credits)
Varied topics of periodic interest not covered in regular course offerings. 可以重复. Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of instructor.
COMM-499 Independent Study in 沟通 (1-3 credits)
Completion of individual course of study under faculty supervision. 课程主题和学时必须根据学校政策提前批准. 可以重复 twice for up to six hours credit.