Faculty and Staff

Associate Dean

Suresh Immanuel

Dr. Suresh Immanuel

Associate Dean, Professor of Civil Engineering

Room 250A, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Immanuel's Full Biography

伊曼纽尔教授是英国威廉希尔中文网站工程与计算机科学学院副院长、土木工程教授. 他自2009年起担任University of Evansville的教员,是一名注册专业工程师.


Jared Fulcher

Dr. Jared Fulcher

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Room 272, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Fulcher's Full Biography

富尔彻教授是英国威廉希尔中文网站机械工程副教授. 他是汽车工程师协会(SAE)学生分会的指导老师.
John Layer

Dr. John Layer

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Room 273, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Layer's Full Biography

Layer教授是英国威廉希尔中文网站的机械工程教授. He is a registered professional in Arizona.
Jessie Lofton

Dr. Jessie Lofton

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Room 274, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Lofton's Full Biography

洛夫顿教授是英国威廉希尔中文网站机械工程副教授. 她在伊利诺伊大学完成机械工程博士学位并辅修大学教学后,于2015年加入工程与计算机科学学院.
Bruce Mabis

Dr. Bruce Mabis

Clinical Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Room 259, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Mabis's Full Biography

Dr. Bruce Mabis has lived in Evansville for the last 46 years. He started teaching Computer Science at UE in 1975. Dr. Mabis has taught at UE and three other universities all in the tristate area. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University in 1992, specializing in software engineering. 学习之余,他喜欢与妻子、三个儿子和三个孙子在一起. 在业余时间,只要有机会,他就会抽出一点时间做些事情,比如砍柴和变魔术.
Maxwell Omwenga

Dr. Maxwell Omwenga

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Room 252, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Omwenga's Full Biography

Program Director, Computer Science

Dr. Maxwell Omwenga是英国威廉希尔中文网站计算机科学与工程系的项目主任。. Before joining UE, 他曾在田纳西大学查塔努加分校的网络智能实验室担任数据科学研究员. 他的专业领域包括机器学习、网络物理系统和边缘计算. 他是2019年技术研讨会的获奖者,也是Sigma Xi的成员. He is particularly interested in using methods of modeling, simulation, optimization, and machine learning to solve real-world complex sequential decision problems. Dr. 麦克斯韦尔在各种著名期刊和会议上发表了研究论文, such as, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE International Conference on Communications, ISSAT International Conference on Data Science & Intelligent, African Conference for Software Engineering and Applied Computing, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet, IEEE信息复用与集成国际会议和EAI移动多媒体国际会议.
Hyunsoung Park

Dr. Hyunsoung Park


Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

Room 247, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Park's Full Biography

PhD, University Of Florida, Construction Management

Dr. hyun - sung Park是英国威廉希尔中文网站土木工程助理教授. Dr. hyun - sung Park毕业于韩国弘益大学建筑工程学士学位, a MS in Construction Management from Texas A&在佛罗里达大学获得建筑管理博士学位. Dr. Park曾在现代汽车担任项目经理,并在韩国空军担任空军中士, serving on the Civil Engineering Squadron. 他在硕士和博士课程期间都花时间指导学生. His current research areas include building information modeling, construction safety, natural disaster management, and knowledge, information, and data management.

Dr. 帕克最喜欢英国威廉希尔中文网站的一点是,无论职位或地位如何, people think of each other, care for one another, and try to help each other. In his personal time, Dr. Park enjoys traveling. 他在美国生活了8年多,期待着探索中西部.
Douglas Stamps

Dr. Douglas Stamps

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Room 275, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Stamps's Full Biography

斯坦普斯教授是英国威廉希尔中文网站的机械工程教授. 他作为一名教师的努力得到了认可,获得了2004年美国教师协会伊利诺伊州/印第安纳州分会颁发的杰出教师奖. He has been a faculty member at UE since 1995.
Brian Swenty

Dr. Brian Swenty

Professor, Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Room 268A, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Swenty's Full Biography

Swenty教授是英国威廉希尔中文网站的机械和土木工程教授. He has been on the faculty at UE since 1993.
Megan Voss-Warner

Dr. Megan Voss-Warner, PhD

Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering
Program Director, Civil Engineering

Koch Center Room 244
Voss-Warner's Full Biography

Dr. Megan Voss-Warner是英国威廉希尔中文网站土木工程助理教授. 在佛罗里达大学获得博士学位后,她于2022年加入英国威廉希尔中文网站. 她是美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)的教师顾问之一. Dr. 沃斯是美国混凝土协会(ACI)的成员,她在多个与教育相关的国际小组委员会任职.
Hector E. Will

Dr. Hector E. Will

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Program Director, Electrical Engineering

Room 253, Koch Venter for Engineering and Science
Will's Full Biography

Dr. Hector E. 威尔是英国威廉希尔中文网站电子工程助理教授, holding a PhD from Purdue University. 他的研究兴趣是多方面的,其中最突出的是STEM教育的进步. 他特别强调利用当代技术和基于模型的学习来增强对复杂科学概念的理解. Furthermore, Dr. 在量子计算和机器学习等新兴领域,他的学术追求会扩展到开发新颖的课程方法吗.

Robert Morse

Dr. Robert Morse

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science

Room 262, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Morse's Full Biography

Dr. 莫尔斯是英国威廉希尔中文网站计算机科学名誉教授. Professor Morse retired in 2018 after 20 years of service to the university.
David Unger

Dr. David Unger

Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Room 257, Koch Center for Engineering and Science
Unger's Full Biography

Dr. Unger is the author of the textbook, Analytical Fracture Mechanics, which was originally published in hard cover by Academic Press (1995), 后来在2001年和2011年由多佛出版社以平装本的形式再版. 2005年,他被英国威廉希尔中文网站授予Sadelle and Sydney Berger学术活动奖, 2006年获工程及计算机科学学院院长教学奖, the Dean’s Research Award in 2022, and designated a UE Global Scholar in 2007. He was a professionally licensed engineer for twenty years, and has served on the UE faculty for 21 years. In retirement, Dr. Unger continues to do research and publish technical papers.

Administration and Staff

Tonya Albright

Ms. Tonya Albright

Administrative Assistant for the School of Engineering and Computer Science


Ray Shelton

Mr. Ray Shelton

Lab Manager, School of Engineering and Computer Science
