
Videos may be viewed in the Gerontology Resource Center. Organizations and institutions may check out videos for a limited time. 通过电子邮件查询.

  • 现在是我们的时代 Healthy Living for Women 40-55 (37 minutes, 2003).
  • 睡眠:健康的先决条件 (18分钟,1994年).
  • 大脑的攻击 (2000年,51分钟).
  • 家庭照顾者 (1991年,30分钟).
  • 基于医院的病例管理 Managed Care in the Acute Care Setting (28 minutes, 1996).
  • 照顾老龄化社会 (10分钟,1986).
  • 〇什么价格 Inequalities in Healthcare and Healthcare Delivery (2000年,28分钟) - 2 copies.
  • 基于医院的病例管理 Role of the Case Manager (26 minutes, 1996).
  • 管理护理,管理死亡 (30分钟,1999).
  • Staying Healthy in a Stressful World – The Importance of Managing Stress (2000年,27分钟).
  • 在我死之前 Medical Care and Personal Choices (60 minutes, 2000).
  • 谁扮演上帝? – Medicine, Money and Ethics in American Health Care (120 minutes, 1999) - 2 copies.
  • 醒醒吧,美国 《威廉希尔中文网》(24分钟,1995).
  • 心灵治疗的力量 (2001年,68分钟).
  • 老不起 (55分钟,1990年).
  • 疼痛管理 (2000年30分钟).
  • 预防伤害 预防跌倒(17分钟).
  • 性与衰老 (59分钟).
  • 给老年人过度用药 (1991年,28分钟).
  • 更安全的地方 (20分钟).
  • Preventing and Handling Elder Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes (2001年,60分钟).
  • The 10 Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities (1994年,26分钟).
  • 神经心理学 (23分钟,1995年).
  • What to Look for in a Nursing Home (11分钟,1995年).
  • 〇分裂的忠诚 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (28 minutes, 1994).
  • Aging: Growing Old in a Youth Centered Culture – 活得更长,生活得更好? (29分钟,2000年).
  • Creating Health: Osteoporosis and Bone Health – Understanding and Prevention (26 minutes, 2001).
  • 〇衰老的心灵 Excellent for Gerontology Professionals (28 minutes, 1998) - 2 copies.
  • 记忆:心灵的结构 (1991年,28分钟).
  • The Sandwich Generation: Caring for Both Children and 父母 (1995年,28分钟).
  • 护理 (2000年,26分钟).
  • 老年护理 Excellent Training Resource on Geriatric Care (22 minutes, 2004).
  • 抑郁症:继续前进 (2000年,27分钟).
  • The Mental Status Examination of the Demented Adult (18分钟).
  • Warning Signs: How to Help Someone Who is Suicidal – Excellent for Support Groups and Schools (20 minutes, 2001).
  • Late Life Depression: Depression in the Elderly – Essential for Anyone Working with, Coping with or Helping the Elderly (28 minutes, 2004).
  • East/West Medicine – Excellent for Nurses and Physicians (2000年,27分钟).
  • Gerontology: Meeting Mobility, Sexual and Nutritional Needs (34分钟,1987).
  • 〇医疗市场 The Relationship Between Patients and Healthcare Teams (2000年,28分钟).
  • Helping People with Dementia in Activities of Daily Living (22分钟).
  • 退休与幸福 Realistic Planning and Advice (29 minutes, 2003).
  • 你并不孤单 Coping with the Death of a Spouse (38 minutes, 1996).
  • 老年人药物滥用- As the Body Ages, Tolerance to Alcohol Decreases (2000年,28分钟).
  • 老年人的慢性焦虑 (27分钟,1998年).
  • Compassionate Touch: Benefits and Effects in Alzheimer's Care – An Excellent Video for Families and Professionals (26 minutes, 1995).
  • 严重的抑郁症 (1991年,28分钟).
  • 老年人自杀 (1988年,28分钟).
  • Communicating with Older Adults and People with Dementia, Part 1.
  • 〇绝望的行为 Suicide and the Elderly (24 minutes, 2001).
  • 老年痴呆症之谜 (2000年,48分钟).
  • 是时候改变了 (2000年,90分钟).
  • 〇“衰老游戏” Helping to Prepare for Careers in Gerontology (25 minutes, 2003).
  • 生前预嘱 (1993年,30分钟).
  • 又老又黑又穷 (1993年,58分钟).
  • 魔法织布机 (1991年,26分钟).
  • Journey to the Centers of the Brain - The Seven Ages of the Brain (58 minutes, 1995).
  • Optimal Aging: Slowing Down the Clock – Aging Can be a Wake-up Call to Healthy Living (2000年,27分钟) - 2 copies.
  • Adapting to Homes to Successfully Age in Place – Important 信息 to Know at Home (27 minutes, 2003).
  • When the Mind Fails: A Guide to Alzheimer's Disease (2000) .
  • 阿尔茨海默病的故事 (28分钟,1985).
  • 〇放手 A Hospice Journey (90 minutes, 1996).
  • 〇走回家 The Hospice Experience (20 minutes, 2000).
  • 时间问题 Insights for Hospice and 护理 Professionals Who Work with the Dying and Their Families (20 minutes, 1996).
  • Aging: Growing Old in a Youth Centered Culture – Living Longer: Aging Well (29分钟,2000年).
  • 〇老龄化和创造力 A Journey of Discovery (27 minutes, 2002).
  • 〇健康与营养 How to Improve Life as You Age (27 minutes, 2001).
  • 〇永远的健康 The Exercise Program for Healthy Aging (1998).
  • 老化, The Natural Process (37 minutes, 2001).
  • 衰老的自然过程 (1993年,30分钟).
  • 健康老龄化的因素 (1991年,28分钟).
  • The Non-hearing World – Understanding Hearing Loss (17分钟,1993年).
  • Gerontology: Meeting Oxygenation and Fluid and Electrolyte Needs (1987年,39分钟).
  • Middle Adulthood: Intimate Relationships and the Sandwich Generation (28分).
  • 前列腺癌 (2002年,28分钟).
  • 不朽的人 (53分钟,1999年).
  • 人体故事》 The Death Knell of Old Age (25 minutes, 1999).
  • 前列腺癌: Advanced Stages – Straight Talk From Men Who are Living with Advanced 前列腺癌 (14 minutes, 1999).
  • Transitions Through the Perimenopausal Years (2004年,45分钟).
  • 〇希望的港湾 Healing Life-Threatening Illnesses: Cancer, AIDS and MS (37 minutes, 1994).
  • 帕金森病:最新进展 (2000年,28分钟).
  • 帕金森谜 (2002年,47分钟).
  • 前列腺癌:早期阶段 For Those Diagnosed and Their Families (19 minutes, 1999).
  • 我的身体不是我是谁 A Candid Perspective on Living with (Dis)abilities (35 minutes, 1995).
  • Creating Health: Type 2 Diabetes – Nearing Epidemic Proportions (27 minutes, 2002).