

社会正义专业的学生罗伯特·洛佩斯(Robert Lopez)出现在我们的《威廉希尔中文网站》(The College Tour)节目中!


“作为一名公共卫生专业的学生,我的研究领域是多学科的. It presents me with opportunities to look critically at health related issues and to identify the ways in which such problems affect diverse communities; however, it was not until I participated in my first philosophy course that I realized ethics and public health were inextricably bound. 我的道德辅修课程给了我一个独特的视角,让我可以通过它来看待公共卫生问题. 它使我能够超越统计数据,超越“谁,什么,何时何地”. My experience as an ethics minor at 英国威廉希尔中文网站 has challenged me to reach further, 问一些尖锐的问题, 找出现实世界问题背后的“原因”.

除了有助于我的学术发展和成功, 我的道德辅修也为我的行动提供了机会. I have collaborated with my peers to design and facilitate campaigns on campus ranging from nutrition education to recycling awareness. 最近, my minor has presented me with the opportunity to serve as the president of Scholars for Syria, 一个试图就当前的冲突对社区进行教育的组织, 打破刻板印象, 促进人道对待难民,支持在欧盟的叙利亚学生. 这段经历是我学术生涯的巅峰, as it has equipped me with the skill set to be an effective leader in the world of public health.”


“I came to UE my freshman year as a psychology major eager to make a difference in the world. 我以开放的心态开始了我的通识教育——伦理学导论, expecting to gain an understanding of how to handle ethical questions with tact as a psychologist. 然而,我从那门课中获得了一个副修学位和一个完全不同的世界观. 道德不仅仅是知道什么必须保密. 它是一种引导你的生活的方式,在这种方式中你与自己的道德准则保持一致, and it also allows you to express to others what you think and articulate why you think that. 我的伦理学辅修课程给了我很好的导师和优秀的教授. 它拓宽了我的研究兴趣,包括道德发展, 表明这个领域是跨学科的. 修了这门辅修课促使我加入了叙利亚学者组织, a campus group that we created in order to advocate for basic human rights both near and far. My ethics minor has allowed me to develop my desires to help others in meaningful and tangible ways. 现在,我知道,当我离开我们,我真的可以改变这个世界.”


“当我作为一名大一新生进入我们大学时, 我根本没打算修哲学课,更不用说辅修伦理学了. 然而,在上了伦理学导论之后. Kretz for a general education requirement during my first semester, I was utterly intrigued. 哲学课程,特别是以伦理学为重点的课程,令人大开眼界. 在这样的课堂上, 我对无数的话题都有所了解, from the plights of minority groups to the care we should take to preserve our environment along with the theoretical perspectives that defend our moral responsibility towards other humans and the world at large. Another exceptionally beneficial component of these courses is the opportunity to improve one’s ability to support her/his opinion both in a written form through homework assignments and exams as well as orally during class discussion. 此外, these classes have significantly improved my writing skills and my thoughtfulness while reading materials through the summary and question portions of our homework assignments. These skills obtained while completing homework are not only useful in philosophy courses but all courses at UE as well as in the workplace after graduation. 另外, 这些课程中最具影响力的部分是“行动”作业. 在环境伦理课程中, we gathered into groups of individuals with interest in a similar field of environmental concern and my group focused on composting on campus. 在发现校园的堆肥计划缺乏学生的兴趣之后, we made a petition which flourished overnight with almost half of the student population having signed it and a local news station creating a story about it. This project to bring composting to campus is still developing today and shows how putting theoretical ideas to work can make a significant impact on the lives of many along with the world as a whole. 除了, 来完成我的伦理学辅修项目, I am investigating the question as to why many people will hold values that Feminist Theory espouses but will not identify as a “feminist.” All of my ethics-based courses have bolstered my knowledge and my curiosity regarding feminism, 现在, 我能够在“现实世界”中解决我自己关于这个主题的道德问题." All in all, the philosophy courses here at UE have a much larger impact than a letter grade. This program can significantly aid in creating individual’s unique perspectives of society and empower students to create the change they would like to see take place!”

Lynnette Whitsitt

“Studying ethics in undergraduate proved to be an invaluable experience to me in a few ways. 第一个, 哲学和宗教课程把我塑造成一个批判的思想家, 一个学会不断质疑我相信什么以及为什么相信的人. 这强化了我的核心个人信念,使我成为一个更好的人, 同时也让我为21世纪的职场做好准备. 随着科技的进步, critical thinking is one of the essential skills that will make workers valuable in the workplace. 这也促进了我在其他领域的学业成功. 分析和批判论点的能力不仅在讨论伦理时有用, but it has proved incredibly beneficial in my study of political science and international relations. 在研究生院, the ability to evaluate arguments was crucial to my success when discussing American foreign policy and how to improve it. 此外,辅修伦理学极大地提高了我的写作能力. 在上大学之前, 我是个平庸的作家, 而是通过我在伦理课上写的各种文章, 我成为了一个越来越好的作家. The ability to express myself and make a strong argument in writing is what got me into the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced 国际 Studies in the first place, 我经常写备忘录和文章来支持某些政策. 最后,我和加布里埃拉·费德里科以及. 丽莎·克雷兹为我参与社区活动和行动主义做了准备. 从大一开始我的伦理学课程开始, 我受到鼓舞,想要改变世界. I have since channeled my passion and organizational and leadership skills developed through my ethics project into a career where I hope to make positive change. 毕业后, I gained an internship with the Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign in Colorado where I registered voters and rallied supporters. 在2017年的夏天, 我希望成为一名国会实习生, 由于我接受了严格的道德教育,我觉得自己为这个职位做好了充分的准备. The ethics study at 英国威廉希尔中文网站 has hands-down improved my life academically, 专业, 和个人.”
